With the many concerns of COVID-19 and the social distancing and as approved by the Board of Directors, we are now scheduling the Chiefs of Ontario Office to be closed until March 31, 2020. We will again monitor things at that time.

The Chief Operating Officer, Tracy Antone, will be implementing the business continuity plans for continuance of administrative operations and payroll. Staff will be working from home and following up on all queries from Leadership.

Below are the Directors names and emails should you wish to contact them:

Tracy Antone, Chief Operating Officer: tracy@coo.org
Kathleen Padulo, Director of Environment: Kathleen.Padulo@coo.org
Denise Lofstrom, Director of Education: Denise.Lofstrom@coo.org
Scott Cavan, Director of Communications and Federal Affairs: Scott.Cavan@coo.org
Barret Dokis, Director of Policy and Provincial Affairs: Barret.Dokis@coo.org
Carmen Jones, Director of Health: Carmen.Jones@coo.org
Ruby Miller, Director of Social: Ruby.Miller@coo.org

Additionally, as a mechanism to support Leadership, the Office of the Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald will hold weekly calls to provide updates, hear concerns, and share all information as it becomes available. These weekly calls were initiated by the Leadership Council comprised of the Grand Chiefs and the Independent First Nations Chiefs.  

As COVID-19 continues to evolve with the potential to impact our communities several concerns and opportunities have been raised. We are committed to working together with all of you in keeping our nations protected, supported and embraced, while not possible physically, then with our spirit, as we do everything possible to combat COVID-19 and its impacts.

While FNIHB-OR is responsible for working with communities in updating community plans/annexes/pandemic plans we know that there are many communities who through lack of capacity have no current plans in place. The Chiefs of Ontario recognizes that Pandemic Plans should be in place before a pandemic event we are stressing that First Nation communities address pandemic planning in parallel to the “real time” process of protecting your communities.

To support you in this endeavour Chiefs of Ontario Health Sector and Communications Department will be providing you with updates and a daily guide to the coronavirus outbreak.

Get the latest news, tips on prevention and all other information distributed to First Nations leadership and communities by the Political Office and the Chiefs of Ontario through this blog.

You can also visit the Ontario Regional Chief, RoseAnne Archibald’s page for updates and documents that are distributed from the Political Office here.

Additional updates will be provided as they come available.